Find your people.

Invest in kind.

Capital unlocks change.

Everybody deserves the opportunity to accumulate wealth. But what's the way in?

You’ve been told time and time again that you need money to make money. It's all in who you know. It's your network as much as your net worth.

The reality is that this turns our world into a calculated and transactional place where the wealthy get wealthier and safe ventures enter a sea of the same.

Until now. Welcome to Vest, where anyone can back ventures and communities they believe in.

We tap into the power of communities to build trust, leverage expertise, and grow businesses from seed to series. 

Here, you can invest cash, equity, or sweat equity. You can discover ventures and founders you believe in. You can put your own ideas up for fractional equity funding. You can build relationships with fellow founders, community members, and experts.

Join Vest today.

Meet our team

A collective of diverse people that we want to spend our precious time with.
Josephine Wilson
Network Builder
Sophie Tobin-Webb
Community Venture Designer
Rebekah Blake
Compliance & Community Experience
Andy Twomey
Community Growth
Skylark (Ryan) Hayward
Technical Strategy
Darren Tasker
Ben Johnston
Candice Taylor
Irene White
Human Connection
Ian Haycroft
Human Connection
Marta Pin
Community Manager
Viv Chang
Product Strategy
James Kwan
In-house Legal Counsel
Ben Crow
Community Manager
Steve Maarbani
Jock Fairweather
Community Strategy
Diego Mogollon

Foster a career
in kind.

Our vest

journey so far...

Our first inception as an Australian startup directory
Within Josephmark spotlighting startups and ideas that put Australia on the map. Our purpose was to amplify startups to better connect them with investors, mentors and talent.
Pivoted to an app to help venture studios
We saw a lot of startups have trouble raising capital. Either they couldn’t raise it, or they needed guidance on how to deploy it effectively when they did. This led to us exploring the intersection of venture and capital. We then pivoted to an app to help venture studios like us vet ideas and track incubated ventures at every stage of a venture lifecycle.
Launched a branded white-label application
Based on feedback from the investor market, we launched a branded white-label app for family offices, VCs and angels. Many investment groups were manually tracking deals and communicating ineffectively through spreadsheets, emails and calls. Launched to paid pilot communities to continue iterating.
Partnered with VentureCrowd
Partnered with leading multi-asset class crowdfunding platform VentureCrowd to expand our offering beyond community communication to end-to-end deal fulfilment. We joined forces through a joint-venture with aligned values around purposeful ventures that we first filter through the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDG).
Seeking  special humans to join our journey
Based on feedback from the investor market, we launched a branded white-label app for family offices, VCs and angels. Many investment groups were manually tracking deals and communicating ineffectively through spreadsheets, emails and calls. Launched to paid pilot communities to continue iterating.

Backed by



Led by Matt Davies & Rob Moore, MakerX is a specialist digital product development team with deep blockchain experience. MakerX are investors in VentureCrowd and are responsible for the technical development of the Vest Platform.
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A venture studio based in Australia and Los Angeles where Vest was incubated from. Josephmark works with entrepreneurs and enterprises to define and redefine brands, products and entire new businesses.
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Australia’s leading digital investment platform for alternative assets. VentureCrowd offers investment opportunities for retail and wholesale investors in pre-vetted high growth private companies, with opportunities across early-stage, follow-on and pre-IPO stages of funding. VentureCrowd provides diversified investment opportunities across property development funds and projects, with access to all stages of a property development including land development (equity), civil works (preferred equity/mezzanine debt), construction (first mortgage loans) and through to property sales.
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